Dry Steaming Ahead: Blue Evolution's Impact on Food Safety in South Africa

Dry Steaming Ahead: Blue Evolution's Impact on Food Safety in South Africa

In the ever-evolving landscape of food manufacturing, ensuring product safety and maintaining stringent hygiene standards are paramount. Food safety experts with years of experience advising Food and Beverage companies on regulations and risk management, have witnessed first-hand the challenges faced by manufacturers in keeping their facilities clean and contamination-free.

In this article we will discuss a game-changing technology that's making waves in the food manufacturing industry: the Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines.

The Blue Evolution Advantage

Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines (Blue Evolution S+ and Blue Evolution XL+) represent a significant leap forward in cleaning and sanitization technology for food manufacturing facilities. These innovative devices combine the power of dry steam with built-in vacuum extraction, water filtration, and UVC light disinfection. This multifaceted approach to cleaning offers a range of benefits that traditional methods simply can't match.

One of the most compelling aspects of the Blue Evolution machines is their impressive accreditations. They have received HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) accreditation from a German laboratory, demonstrating their compliance with international food safety standards. Additionally, these machines are NSF certified in the United States, further validating their effectiveness and safety for use in food production environments.

The Power of Dry Steam in Food Manufacturing

Dry steam technology has emerged as a highly effective method for cleaning and sanitizing equipment, conveyor belts, and floors in food manufacturing facilities. Here's why it's so powerful:

  1. Deep Cleaning: Dry steam penetrates even the smallest crevices and porous surfaces, reaching areas that traditional cleaning methods might miss. This ensures a more thorough cleaning of equipment and surfaces.

  2. Sanitization: The high temperature of dry steam (typically above 150°C) effectively kills a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens on contact. This thermal disinfection is particularly crucial in preventing the spread of foodborne illnesses.

  3. Chemical-Free Cleaning: By relying on the power of heat and pressure, dry steam cleaning significantly reduces or eliminates the need for harsh chemical cleaners. This not only creates a safer working environment but also minimizes the risk of chemical residues contaminating food products.

  4. Reduced Water Usage: Dry steam cleaning uses minimal water compared to traditional wet cleaning methods. This leads to significant water savings, which is especially important in regions facing water scarcity issues.

  5. Faster Drying Times: The "dry" in dry steam means that surfaces cleaned with this method dry almost instantly. This reduces downtime in production areas and minimizes the risk of moisture-related bacterial growth. This “dry” steam is particular important in certain bakery or confectionary production lines where water or excessive moisture is a no go.

  6. Versatility: Dry steam can be used on a wide variety of surfaces and equipment, from stainless steel processing machines to rubber conveyor belts and even porous concrete floors.

Blue Evolution's Unique Features

What sets the Blue Evolution machines apart is their comprehensive approach to cleaning and sanitization:

  1. Built-in Vacuum Extraction: This feature immediately removes loosened dirt, debris, and excess moisture, leaving surfaces clean and dry.

  2. Water Filtration: The integrated water filtration system ensures that the steam produced is pure and free from contaminants, further enhancing its cleaning and sanitizing capabilities.

  3. UVC Light: The addition of UVC light provides an extra layer of disinfection, targeting microorganisms that might be resistant to heat alone.

  4. HACCP and NSF Certification: These accreditations provide peace of mind to food manufacturers, knowing that the machines meet stringent safety and hygiene standards.

Understanding HACCP: A Cornerstone of Food Safety

HACCP, which stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, is a systematic preventive approach to food safety. Developed in the 1960s by NASA, the Pillsbury Company, and the U.S. Army Laboratories, HACCP was initially designed to ensure food safety for astronauts. Today, it's a globally recognized method for identifying and managing food safety risks.

The HACCP system consists of seven principles:

  1. Conduct a hazard analysis

  2. Identify critical control points

  3. Establish critical limits

  4. Monitor critical control points

  5. Establish corrective actions

  6. Establish verification procedures

  7. Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures

Implementing HACCP in Food Manufacturing

For food manufacturing companies, implementing HACCP involves a comprehensive approach to identifying and controlling potential hazards throughout the production process. Here's how it typically works:

  1. Assemble a HACCP Team: This multidisciplinary team should include experts from various departments such as production, quality assurance, engineering, and management.

  2. Describe the Product: Develop a comprehensive description of each product, including its ingredients, processing methods, packaging, storage conditions, and intended use.

  3. Identify Intended Use: Determine how consumers are expected to use the product, including any potential misuse.

  4. Construct a Flow Diagram: Create a detailed step-by-step diagram of the entire production process, from raw material receipt to final product distribution.

  5. Conduct Hazard Analysis: Identify potential biological, chemical, and physical hazards at each step of the production process.

  6. Determine Critical Control Points (CCPs): Identify points in the process where control can be applied to prevent, eliminate, or reduce a food safety hazard to an acceptable level.

  7. Establish Critical Limits: Set measurable parameters that must be met to ensure each CCP is under control.

  8. Establish Monitoring Procedures: Develop methods to observe or measure critical limits at each CCP.

  9. Establish Corrective Actions: Define steps to be taken when monitoring indicates a deviation from critical limits.

  10. Establish Verification Procedures: Implement methods to confirm that the HACCP system is working effectively.

  11. Establish Documentation and Record Keeping: Maintain records of the HACCP system, including hazard analysis, CCP determination, critical limit determination, and verification activities.

The implementation of HACCP in food manufacturing is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring, verification, and updating. This is where advanced cleaning technologies like the Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines play a crucial role. By providing a more effective and consistent method of cleaning and sanitization, these machines help ensure that critical control points related to equipment and environmental hygiene are consistently met.

The BeBelt Cleaner: A Time-Saving Innovation

In addition to their standard machines, Blue Evolution offers the BeBelt cleaner, a specialized tool designed for cleaning conveyor belts. This innovative attachment can significantly reduce the time required for belt cleaning and sanitization. In busy food manufacturing environments where every minute of downtime counts, the BeBelt cleaner can lead to substantial time and cost savings.

Real-World Impact

Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines are already making a significant impact in top bakeries and food manufacturing companies worldwide. These industry leaders have recognized the benefits of this technology in maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness and food safety.

For South African food manufacturers, adopting this technology could be a game-changer. With increasing scrutiny on food safety practices and growing consumer awareness, investing in advanced cleaning and sanitization methods is no longer optional – it's a necessity. Blue Evolution machines offer a way to meet and exceed safety standards while also realizing operational benefits such as water and chemical savings.

Financial and Liability Considerations

Food Safety experts  cannot stress enough the potential financial and legal implications of inadequate sanitation practices. A single outbreak of foodborne illness traced back to a manufacturing facility can result in:

  1. Costly product recalls

  2. Legal liabilities and potential lawsuits

  3. Damage to brand reputation

  4. Loss of consumer trust

  5. Regulatory fines and penalties

The investment in advanced cleaning technology like Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines should be viewed not just as a cost, but as insurance against these potentially devastating outcomes. The long-term savings in water, chemicals, and labour, combined with the reduced risk of contamination, make this technology a smart financial decision for food manufacturers of all sizes.

The Listeria Outbreak at Tiger Brands: A Cautionary Tale

The importance of rigorous food safety measures was starkly highlighted by the Listeria outbreak linked to Tiger Brands in South Africa in 2017-2018. This case serves as a sobering reminder of the potential consequences of food safety failures.

Background of the Outbreak:

In early 2017, South Africa experienced a surge in listeriosis cases. By March 2018, the source was traced to ready-to-eat processed meat products manufactured at a Tiger Brands facility in Polokwane. The outbreak resulted in over 1,000 confirmed cases and more than 200 deaths, making it the largest listeriosis outbreak ever recorded globally.

Impact on Tiger Brands:

  1. Financial Losses: Tiger Brands faced significant financial repercussions. The company had to recall affected products and temporarily close production facilities. The direct costs of the recall and plant closures were estimated at around R380 million.

  2. Legal Consequences: The company faced multiple lawsuits from victims and their families, potentially exposing them to billions of rand in damages.

  3. Market Share Decline: Tiger Brands' processed meats division saw a sharp decline in market share, with some estimates suggesting a drop from 35% to below 20% in the aftermath of the crisis.

  4. Brand Reputation Damage: The incident severely damaged Tiger Brands' reputation. Consumer trust in the brand, particularly its processed meat products, plummeted.

  5. Operational Overhaul: The company had to invest heavily in overhauling its food safety procedures, including upgrading equipment and enhancing testing protocols.

Impact on Consumer Perception:

The Listeria outbreak had far-reaching effects on consumer behaviour and perceptions:

  1. Heightened Awareness: South African consumers became much more aware of food safety issues, particularly regarding ready-to-eat meats.

  2. Brand Loyalty Shift: Many consumers switched to alternative brands or reduced their consumption of processed meats altogether.

  3. Demand for Transparency: There was an increased demand for transparency from food manufacturers regarding their production processes and safety measures.

  4. Scrutiny of Food Safety Claims: Consumers became more skeptical of food safety claims and started paying closer attention to product recalls and food safety news.

Lessons Learned and Industry Response:

The Tiger Brands Listeria outbreak served as a wake-up call for the entire food manufacturing industry in South Africa and beyond:

  1. Enhanced Regulatory Scrutiny: The incident led to increased government inspections and stricter enforcement of food safety regulations.

  2. Industry-wide Review: Many food manufacturers proactively reviewed and upgraded their food safety protocols, even if they weren't directly involved in the outbreak.

  3. Investment in Technology: There was a surge in investment in advanced food safety technologies, including more sophisticated testing methods and improved cleaning and sanitization equipment.

  4. Focus on Environmental Monitoring: The incident highlighted the importance of comprehensive environmental monitoring programs to detect and eliminate potential sources of contamination.

  5. Crisis Management Preparedness: Companies across the industry began to place greater emphasis on crisis management planning and communication strategies.

The Role of Advanced Cleaning Technologies

The Tiger Brands Listeria outbreak underscores the critical importance of thorough and effective cleaning and sanitization in food manufacturing facilities. This is where technologies like the Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines can play a crucial role.

  1. Deep Cleaning Capability: Listeria monocytogenes, the bacterium responsible for listeriosis, is known for its ability to form biofilms and persist in hard-to-reach areas. The high-temperature dry steam produced by Blue Evolution machines can penetrate these difficult spots, helping to eliminate hidden bacterial reservoirs.

  2. Consistent Sanitization: The combination of high-temperature steam and UVC light in Blue Evolution machines provides a consistent and highly effective method of sanitization, reducing the risk of bacterial survival and cross-contamination.

  3. Reduced Chemical Dependence: By relying primarily on heat for sanitization, these machines reduce the need for chemical sanitizers. This is particularly important as some bacteria, including certain strains of Listeria, have shown resistance to common sanitizing agents.

  4. Improved Environmental Monitoring: The built-in vacuum extraction feature of Blue Evolution machines can aid in environmental monitoring efforts by efficiently collecting samples for microbial testing.

  5. HACCP Compliance: The HACCP accreditation of Blue Evolution machines means they can be seamlessly integrated into a company's existing HACCP plan, providing a reliable control measure at critical cleaning and sanitization points.

For South African food manufacturers, the lessons from the Tiger Brands incident are clear: investing in advanced food safety measures is not just a regulatory requirement, but a business imperative. The financial, legal, and reputational costs of a food safety failure far outweigh the investment in preventive measures.


In an industry where cleanliness and safety are non-negotiable, Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines represent a significant step forward. Their combination of dry steam technology, vacuum extraction, water filtration, and UVC light disinfection offers a comprehensive solution to the cleaning and sanitization challenges faced by food manufacturers.

For South African food manufacturers looking to elevate their hygiene practices, reduce operational costs, and mitigate food safety risks, Blue Evolution machines deserve serious consideration. As the food industry continues to evolve and face new challenges, embracing innovative technologies like this will be key to staying competitive and ensuring the highest standards of food safety.

Remember, in the world of food manufacturing, cutting corners on cleanliness is never an option. Invest in the right tools, protect your brand, and safeguard consumer health. The future of food safety is here, and it's powered by dry steam.

Can your Food and Beverage Manufacturing Company afford not to invest in Dry Steam Cleaning and Sanitizing technology?

Contact www.drysteam.co.za the official distributors of Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines in Southern Africa

In the ever-evolving landscape of food manufacturing, ensuring product safety and maintaining stringent hygiene standards are paramount. Food safety experts with years of experience advising Food and Beverage companies on regulations and risk management, have witnessed first-hand the challenges faced by manufacturers in keeping their facilities clean and contamination-free.

In this article we will discuss a game-changing technology that's making waves in the food manufacturing industry: the Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines.

The Blue Evolution Advantage

Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines (Blue Evolution S+ and Blue Evolution XL+) represent a significant leap forward in cleaning and sanitization technology for food manufacturing facilities. These innovative devices combine the power of dry steam with built-in vacuum extraction, water filtration, and UVC light disinfection. This multifaceted approach to cleaning offers a range of benefits that traditional methods simply can't match.

One of the most compelling aspects of the Blue Evolution machines is their impressive accreditations. They have received HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) accreditation from a German laboratory, demonstrating their compliance with international food safety standards. Additionally, these machines are NSF certified in the United States, further validating their effectiveness and safety for use in food production environments.

The Power of Dry Steam in Food Manufacturing

Dry steam technology has emerged as a highly effective method for cleaning and sanitizing equipment, conveyor belts, and floors in food manufacturing facilities. Here's why it's so powerful:

  1. Deep Cleaning: Dry steam penetrates even the smallest crevices and porous surfaces, reaching areas that traditional cleaning methods might miss. This ensures a more thorough cleaning of equipment and surfaces.

  2. Sanitization: The high temperature of dry steam (typically above 150°C) effectively kills a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens on contact. This thermal disinfection is particularly crucial in preventing the spread of foodborne illnesses.

  3. Chemical-Free Cleaning: By relying on the power of heat and pressure, dry steam cleaning significantly reduces or eliminates the need for harsh chemical cleaners. This not only creates a safer working environment but also minimizes the risk of chemical residues contaminating food products.

  4. Reduced Water Usage: Dry steam cleaning uses minimal water compared to traditional wet cleaning methods. This leads to significant water savings, which is especially important in regions facing water scarcity issues.

  5. Faster Drying Times: The "dry" in dry steam means that surfaces cleaned with this method dry almost instantly. This reduces downtime in production areas and minimizes the risk of moisture-related bacterial growth. This “dry” steam is particular important in certain bakery or confectionary production lines where water or excessive moisture is a no go.

  6. Versatility: Dry steam can be used on a wide variety of surfaces and equipment, from stainless steel processing machines to rubber conveyor belts and even porous concrete floors.

Blue Evolution's Unique Features

What sets the Blue Evolution machines apart is their comprehensive approach to cleaning and sanitization:

  1. Built-in Vacuum Extraction: This feature immediately removes loosened dirt, debris, and excess moisture, leaving surfaces clean and dry.

  2. Water Filtration: The integrated water filtration system ensures that the steam produced is pure and free from contaminants, further enhancing its cleaning and sanitizing capabilities.

  3. UVC Light: The addition of UVC light provides an extra layer of disinfection, targeting microorganisms that might be resistant to heat alone.

  4. HACCP and NSF Certification: These accreditations provide peace of mind to food manufacturers, knowing that the machines meet stringent safety and hygiene standards.

Understanding HACCP: A Cornerstone of Food Safety

HACCP, which stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, is a systematic preventive approach to food safety. Developed in the 1960s by NASA, the Pillsbury Company, and the U.S. Army Laboratories, HACCP was initially designed to ensure food safety for astronauts. Today, it's a globally recognized method for identifying and managing food safety risks.

The HACCP system consists of seven principles:

  1. Conduct a hazard analysis

  2. Identify critical control points

  3. Establish critical limits

  4. Monitor critical control points

  5. Establish corrective actions

  6. Establish verification procedures

  7. Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures

Implementing HACCP in Food Manufacturing

For food manufacturing companies, implementing HACCP involves a comprehensive approach to identifying and controlling potential hazards throughout the production process. Here's how it typically works:

  1. Assemble a HACCP Team: This multidisciplinary team should include experts from various departments such as production, quality assurance, engineering, and management.

  2. Describe the Product: Develop a comprehensive description of each product, including its ingredients, processing methods, packaging, storage conditions, and intended use.

  3. Identify Intended Use: Determine how consumers are expected to use the product, including any potential misuse.

  4. Construct a Flow Diagram: Create a detailed step-by-step diagram of the entire production process, from raw material receipt to final product distribution.

  5. Conduct Hazard Analysis: Identify potential biological, chemical, and physical hazards at each step of the production process.

  6. Determine Critical Control Points (CCPs): Identify points in the process where control can be applied to prevent, eliminate, or reduce a food safety hazard to an acceptable level.

  7. Establish Critical Limits: Set measurable parameters that must be met to ensure each CCP is under control.

  8. Establish Monitoring Procedures: Develop methods to observe or measure critical limits at each CCP.

  9. Establish Corrective Actions: Define steps to be taken when monitoring indicates a deviation from critical limits.

  10. Establish Verification Procedures: Implement methods to confirm that the HACCP system is working effectively.

  11. Establish Documentation and Record Keeping: Maintain records of the HACCP system, including hazard analysis, CCP determination, critical limit determination, and verification activities.

The implementation of HACCP in food manufacturing is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring, verification, and updating. This is where advanced cleaning technologies like the Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines play a crucial role. By providing a more effective and consistent method of cleaning and sanitization, these machines help ensure that critical control points related to equipment and environmental hygiene are consistently met.

The BeBelt Cleaner: A Time-Saving Innovation

In addition to their standard machines, Blue Evolution offers the BeBelt cleaner, a specialized tool designed for cleaning conveyor belts. This innovative attachment can significantly reduce the time required for belt cleaning and sanitization. In busy food manufacturing environments where every minute of downtime counts, the BeBelt cleaner can lead to substantial time and cost savings.

Real-World Impact

Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines are already making a significant impact in top bakeries and food manufacturing companies worldwide. These industry leaders have recognized the benefits of this technology in maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness and food safety.

For South African food manufacturers, adopting this technology could be a game-changer. With increasing scrutiny on food safety practices and growing consumer awareness, investing in advanced cleaning and sanitization methods is no longer optional – it's a necessity. Blue Evolution machines offer a way to meet and exceed safety standards while also realizing operational benefits such as water and chemical savings.

Financial and Liability Considerations

Food Safety experts  cannot stress enough the potential financial and legal implications of inadequate sanitation practices. A single outbreak of foodborne illness traced back to a manufacturing facility can result in:

  1. Costly product recalls

  2. Legal liabilities and potential lawsuits

  3. Damage to brand reputation

  4. Loss of consumer trust

  5. Regulatory fines and penalties

The investment in advanced cleaning technology like Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines should be viewed not just as a cost, but as insurance against these potentially devastating outcomes. The long-term savings in water, chemicals, and labour, combined with the reduced risk of contamination, make this technology a smart financial decision for food manufacturers of all sizes.

The Listeria Outbreak at Tiger Brands: A Cautionary Tale

The importance of rigorous food safety measures was starkly highlighted by the Listeria outbreak linked to Tiger Brands in South Africa in 2017-2018. This case serves as a sobering reminder of the potential consequences of food safety failures.

Background of the Outbreak:

In early 2017, South Africa experienced a surge in listeriosis cases. By March 2018, the source was traced to ready-to-eat processed meat products manufactured at a Tiger Brands facility in Polokwane. The outbreak resulted in over 1,000 confirmed cases and more than 200 deaths, making it the largest listeriosis outbreak ever recorded globally.

Impact on Tiger Brands:

  1. Financial Losses: Tiger Brands faced significant financial repercussions. The company had to recall affected products and temporarily close production facilities. The direct costs of the recall and plant closures were estimated at around R380 million.

  2. Legal Consequences: The company faced multiple lawsuits from victims and their families, potentially exposing them to billions of rand in damages.

  3. Market Share Decline: Tiger Brands' processed meats division saw a sharp decline in market share, with some estimates suggesting a drop from 35% to below 20% in the aftermath of the crisis.

  4. Brand Reputation Damage: The incident severely damaged Tiger Brands' reputation. Consumer trust in the brand, particularly its processed meat products, plummeted.

  5. Operational Overhaul: The company had to invest heavily in overhauling its food safety procedures, including upgrading equipment and enhancing testing protocols.

Impact on Consumer Perception:

The Listeria outbreak had far-reaching effects on consumer behaviour and perceptions:

  1. Heightened Awareness: South African consumers became much more aware of food safety issues, particularly regarding ready-to-eat meats.

  2. Brand Loyalty Shift: Many consumers switched to alternative brands or reduced their consumption of processed meats altogether.

  3. Demand for Transparency: There was an increased demand for transparency from food manufacturers regarding their production processes and safety measures.

  4. Scrutiny of Food Safety Claims: Consumers became more skeptical of food safety claims and started paying closer attention to product recalls and food safety news.

Lessons Learned and Industry Response:

The Tiger Brands Listeria outbreak served as a wake-up call for the entire food manufacturing industry in South Africa and beyond:

  1. Enhanced Regulatory Scrutiny: The incident led to increased government inspections and stricter enforcement of food safety regulations.

  2. Industry-wide Review: Many food manufacturers proactively reviewed and upgraded their food safety protocols, even if they weren't directly involved in the outbreak.

  3. Investment in Technology: There was a surge in investment in advanced food safety technologies, including more sophisticated testing methods and improved cleaning and sanitization equipment.

  4. Focus on Environmental Monitoring: The incident highlighted the importance of comprehensive environmental monitoring programs to detect and eliminate potential sources of contamination.

  5. Crisis Management Preparedness: Companies across the industry began to place greater emphasis on crisis management planning and communication strategies.

The Role of Advanced Cleaning Technologies

The Tiger Brands Listeria outbreak underscores the critical importance of thorough and effective cleaning and sanitization in food manufacturing facilities. This is where technologies like the Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines can play a crucial role.

  1. Deep Cleaning Capability: Listeria monocytogenes, the bacterium responsible for listeriosis, is known for its ability to form biofilms and persist in hard-to-reach areas. The high-temperature dry steam produced by Blue Evolution machines can penetrate these difficult spots, helping to eliminate hidden bacterial reservoirs.

  2. Consistent Sanitization: The combination of high-temperature steam and UVC light in Blue Evolution machines provides a consistent and highly effective method of sanitization, reducing the risk of bacterial survival and cross-contamination.

  3. Reduced Chemical Dependence: By relying primarily on heat for sanitization, these machines reduce the need for chemical sanitizers. This is particularly important as some bacteria, including certain strains of Listeria, have shown resistance to common sanitizing agents.

  4. Improved Environmental Monitoring: The built-in vacuum extraction feature of Blue Evolution machines can aid in environmental monitoring efforts by efficiently collecting samples for microbial testing.

  5. HACCP Compliance: The HACCP accreditation of Blue Evolution machines means they can be seamlessly integrated into a company's existing HACCP plan, providing a reliable control measure at critical cleaning and sanitization points.

For South African food manufacturers, the lessons from the Tiger Brands incident are clear: investing in advanced food safety measures is not just a regulatory requirement, but a business imperative. The financial, legal, and reputational costs of a food safety failure far outweigh the investment in preventive measures.


In an industry where cleanliness and safety are non-negotiable, Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines represent a significant step forward. Their combination of dry steam technology, vacuum extraction, water filtration, and UVC light disinfection offers a comprehensive solution to the cleaning and sanitization challenges faced by food manufacturers.

For South African food manufacturers looking to elevate their hygiene practices, reduce operational costs, and mitigate food safety risks, Blue Evolution machines deserve serious consideration. As the food industry continues to evolve and face new challenges, embracing innovative technologies like this will be key to staying competitive and ensuring the highest standards of food safety.

Remember, in the world of food manufacturing, cutting corners on cleanliness is never an option. Invest in the right tools, protect your brand, and safeguard consumer health. The future of food safety is here, and it's powered by dry steam.

Can your Food and Beverage Manufacturing Company afford not to invest in Dry Steam Cleaning and Sanitizing technology?

Contact www.drysteam.co.za the official distributors of Blue Evolution Dry Steam machines in Southern Africa